Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Couch Potatoe

So... I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the couch ornament that is my roommate before. If not, I have a roommate that does absolutely nothing but sit in front of the TV all day long. Literally. I leave, he's on the couch, I get back and he's in the exact same position. It irks me to know that someone's entire existence can consist of sitting in on the couch all day.

I was bothered by the fact that this bothered me so much. I wondered if maybe I was just jealous or missing out on something, so when the opportunity came, I figured I'd give it a try.

Last night, the three other people who dwell here (two roommates and a girlfriend) decided to go to out to eat. Was I invited? Not until they were leaving and I asked where everyone was going. My response to the invite, "Fuck you all." Anyway, while they were gone I got a little rest in my room, then made dinner and started watching tv. I believe this was around 7. I figured this was a way to both find out if I was really missing out on something and to give them a feel of what it's like to have the tv hogged all night.

They came back around 7:15 and I had just started eating, so I'm sure they assumed I'd be there for a little while. The couch ornament came out to watch tv for a minute, but he wasn't that interested in Ice Cube's Behind The Music episode (Thank you VH1). At 8 I started the two hour HGTV block. I <3 HGTV, but I was already tired of sitting there by 9. I was determined not to let them win though!! I stayed and watched property vigrins (probably my fav HGTV show) until the show my night was for came on at 10.

I guess I forgot to mention that. Another piece of the puzzle is the unwritten rule that whoever gets to the remote first controls it until they leave. I wanted to watch Hef's Runaway Bride at 10, and I knew the couch ornament would be back by then, so sacrifices had to be made. Anyway, I lasted from 7-11 in the couch. That's got to be a record for me, one that I'm not proud of.I could've been so productive in that time, but instead I chose to guard the remote in order to catch a show and prove a point. Yes, I was successful at both.

Fortunately, we will all be moving away from each other in less than two weeks! I'm excited to get out of here. I've already called the cable and electric company. I would hope the roommates are gone before I am. If not, they will have a hot house with no furniture to look after for a few days.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Well, I've been using Google+ for a few days now. I use the term "using" very loosely, as I have done little more than to set up my profile and add a few pics. Who knows, maybe when more people join I'll be able to experiment with it a little more. Speaking of more people joining, if you'd like an invite, let me know.