Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It's been a while. Funny how having a job changed my blogging schedule. Life is good. I really hope I get paid tomorrow. I signed up for direct deposit and we get paid weekly, so I got both a paper check and a deposit last week, but I wonder if the deposit was the paper check I would've gotten Monday. If so, I don't know if I'll be getting anything tomorrow. Guess I'll have to find out.

Beyond that, NEDA (Debate) Nationals were a couple of weekends ago. I opted to debate alone again, and made it to semi-finals. Not bad, I guess. Now I'm toying with the idea of changing my division next year. Going to Varsity would be interesting. It's less fun to watch, but debate isn't exactly a spectators event anyway. The idea is appealing for now, we'll see what's going on next year though.

Finding new roommates sucks. Big time. Both of the girls I live with now will be leaving (instead of just one) so I have to find two new roommates quickly. I don't know what happens if I don't. I found out about this a bit too late though. Everyone has already signed their leases for the most part, so things aren't looking to great. It'll work itself out though.

The campus rep job is going pretty well so far. The only issue is trying to find ways to fill hours. We've done a couple of workshops already, but not much else. I got into the game late, but for some reason I'm planning everything, reserving everything, and learning everything while the guy who's had the job since January just sits back and does nothing. He's been to focused on us just setting up tables at Greek events (which don't start until April) to put any energy into this job. I'll admit, he's got a lot on his plate, and our big responsibilities don't hit until Orientation, but still. This is ridiculous. Maybe he just needs time though.

Life is good. I'm hungry right now, but life is good :-)

(Side note: My academic advisor asked me to work in her research lab next year! I'll finally be getting some real experience in my major. I was questioning whether I made the right choice going into Psych, the invitation to be a part of this lab was just the boost I needed. I've seen a lot of my peers get internships lately, but they're not too easy to come across in my field. Now, I've got something pretty close to one. Life is good.)

1 comment:

  1. im glad you have a job and all, but ur gona have to not be freely spreading apple propoganda that you know is bullcrap (like ipad being a near laptop-killer)
