Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

"I'm on a pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold"
-Kid Cudi

Today I realized that shiny things excite me. Probably a little too much. I automatically see value in what could be fools gold, and only end up disappointed in the end. I wish I knew why it seems to happen like that so much. Maybe I'm just too desperate for gold. I want to find it so bad that I jump at the very chance that anything shiny may be gold. Maybe I'm scared of missing out on real gold, so I treat each potential situation as if it's the real thing. I mean when it comes down to it, we all want gold. We all want something valuable, something genuine, it's just a matter of how bad we sant it, and what we're willing to do to get it. I can't say I don't have any gold in my life, though sometimes we disappoint each other I consider my mother gold, Alex (my best friend from the beginning) is certified gold, my buddies on the debate team (Lindsey, Joel, Carrie) are definitely gold, pretty sure if you're reading this, I probably consider you gold too :-) Unfortunately, I've come across lots of fool's gold as well.

You were shiny
I saw potential
I fell for it
As I look closer
I see you for what you are
And I see what a fool I was
Fool's gold.

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