Sunday, April 18, 2010


Sometimes I wish love never existed
Like a drug fiend I'm addicted and trying to kick it
Emotions can go with it
I could really do without
All I need is logic, feelings only create doubt
And pain
All lies
No gain
I'm tired
Of the shame I feel when I'm lacking
I just start acting
Like I'm happy and content
With a loveless life of no passion
Love is a drug and I'm looking for a dealer
Like a girl with bad acne is looking for concealer
Or a group of refugees is looking for a leader
I'll seek her, look in every place that I can think of
Drive myself crazy thinking everything could be love
Then when I find her, I don't know what would happen
My past says it won't last because of something I'm lackin'
When I think of it that way I guess I take it back then. 
I've loved and lost, now I'll never love at all.
Hope you feel the frost off my cold shoulder when you fall
For someone else, and they just let you down
He's not like me! I figured you see that by now
I'm what you need, what you want. Open your eyes
And watch as what you need walks out before the sunrise.

1 comment:

  1. Always

    Always, I wish I never cared.
    or was spared,
    any thoughts of the sometimes or what could be.
    I wish God could just say it's not for me.
    And then I could always be free of mind,
    and never think it could work this time,
    ending up rejected,
    a failure, dejected.
    Subjected to more trouble I never expected.
    Not always do my shortcomings cause the strife.
    But always I pay the price.
    So if I could say always just once in my life,
    I'd always turn away, and give up the fight.
