Monday, June 27, 2011

I got all my sisters and me

I spent more time with family this past weekend than I have all year so far. Both of my sisters were in town from VA and Vegas so my entire weekend was dedicated to them. I cooked, took one of them and her husband on a tour of the city, and got to see my niece dance at church. In 23 years of life, I've never felt closer to my sisters. Growing up I lived with one of my sisters, and the other one lived in Michigan with my brothers and my dad. The sister I lived with was 7 years older than me so we didn't really hang out at all. I was practically an only child, my dad always stressed my relationship with my siblings. He used to tell me that we needed to be close because we would only have each other after he died. At the time of his death, we were closer, but not as close as he would've liked. Since then we've all leaned on each other yet drifted as well. Distance is like termites on the foundation of a relationship. It slowly eats away at it until the foundation itself breaks and the relationship has nothing to support it. This has we're spread out across the country, so distance has definitely been an issue. We're all making an effort to stay in touch through FB groups, texts, calls, etc. But we have our own lives and families as well. We're in a similar situation that the Miami Heat were in this past season. Creating and maintaining a group dymanic with people who have operated as individuals for years. It's not easy. Removing the distance made things so much easier. We were a natural part of each other's lives instead of an interuption. Hopefully this weekend strengthens the foundation enough for us to continue to build better relationships with each other.

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