Monday, June 14, 2010

Love Lost

My last serious relationship ended in February. We were together for a little while, had some rough times, the usual. What was unusual about it, was the fact that we didn't really express our feelings that much or that well. In all honesty, when I ended the relationship I loved that girl. She doesn't know that though, as I never told her. The relationship got to the point where it couldn't be casual anymore. I either had to fess up and tell her I loved her and wanted to make things "official" or I had to end it so that we could both start moving on. Needless to say I chose the latter. But just like any other choice, sometimes I wonder how things would've worked out if I chose the former. We really did have a good thing, and none of our issues were "unsolvable" so it could've worked either way. When I decided to end things it was for good reasons though, and reasons I still stand by. Do I think I made the wrong decision? No. Could I have waited? Yes. But in waiting, I just would've prolonged the inevitable and wasted time for both of us. Making what I knew was the right decision so early wasn't easy at all, but I do find comfort in knowing it was the right decision. She's moved on to a happy relationship, and I'm enjoying my somewhat single life. Who knows what the future may hold in store for me. For now I'm taking it day by day.

In other news, thoughts of the USAF still won't go away. I'm realizing I'm a bit further from settling down and having a clear path in life than I realized. Oh well, like X said "Don't stress it, it'll come." Of course the context is completely different and has absolutely no application to this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm. sounds wierd, not knowing what your reasons were for ending it. sounds like one of those things ur supposed to work out and see through
