Wednesday, February 24, 2010

10 Years Ago

If you could go back and talk to you 10 years ago, what would you say?

I had to come back to Indy to grab some and in my mom's office I found a journal I kept from my 5th grade field trip to Washington D.C. in 2000. It's hard to believe it's only been ten years since that trip. So much has changed. Lately I've been asking myself, what would I say to me ten years ago, and I couldn't really think of anything. After reading that journal, I have a better idea of where my mind was at that point though.

10 years ago, I had just turned 12 and was getting ready to start middle school that fall. Looking back on it now, I definitely would've told little me to enjoy those middle school years even more. I was entering the final years of my time in Washington Township. I can't imagine what I would've done differently, but if I actually knew I wasn't going to be there after Westlane, who knows how that would've changed me. I'd also tell little me to pick the clarienet over the flute, or maybe even percussion, and to stick with it! It's a lot harder to learn how to play on your own. I'd definitely tell little me to get comfortable with rejection. Not just in terms of dating, but just life in general. Everything doesn't go his way, and maybe if he took more risks then, it'd be a little easier to do it now.

I wouldn't tell him about his future though. Or even the big world events. He'd be a year from 9/11, 8 years from seeing the first black president of the USA, a few years from watching the Colts win a Super Bowl. He's got a lot to look forward to, don't want to ruing the surprises :-) I'd like to have a conversation with him though. He'd probably tell me to lighten up a bit. I can only imagine. The last thing I'd tell him, is not to stop the journaling with the D.C. trip. To keep writing, and watch where life took him.

What would you tell yourself ten years ago? What would they tell you?


  1. I would definitely tell my guy the major events. I would want him to make as much money off of bets and whatnot as possible. maybe even pretend to be a prophet or something, to get dough that way. but he would have to do it in a way to not affect the future. like, he would have to write down the predictions and publicly lock them up, so that people could see he was right all along.

    not only could i make a ton of money. if i could get people to believe most of the stuff i was saying, i could stop 911 from happening, and end this war before it started. and i would go to a nice ivy league school with alot more girls. if he's going to be an isolated minority in college, he might as well be in one where there are more chicks around. i'd probably be in graduate school now, instead of afghanistan

  2. Well... when you put it that way... :-)
