Monday, February 22, 2010

Annoying Stories From My Facebook Feed

Ok, starting something new on the blog, I've thought about doing this for a while, but never got around to it, until now. I have around 1,300 Facebook friends, a majority of which I don't even know. Needless to say, I get a lot of idiocy on my Live Feed. I'm going to start sharing that idiocy right here on my blog. Could be fun...right?

Ok, big issue with FB lately are the little passive aggressive groups. Here's a tri-fecta of stupidity.

"Behind every untrusting girl is a boy who made her that way" WTF is that?? How about you stop acting like a victim and get over it. I could do an entire post about people in general bringing baggage into a relationship, but that's for another day.

"There would be less drunk driving in the world if taco bell delivered" there would also be less idiocy on FB if they required an IQ test before you were given an account.

And last but not least...

"I will never understand why guys cheat on pretty girls with ugly ones" First off, any girl a guy cheats with will be the "ugly girl" even if she's Halle Berry. Don't believe me, look at how Angelina was treated when Brad cheated on Jen. Secondly, would it really make you feel better if he cheated on you with someone who wasn't "ugly." The girls aesthetics aren't the problem. It's the man and his morals. Third, it's not just guys who cheat, get over yourselves and look in the mirror. That is all.

Usually, while they annoy the crap out of me, I can overlook the cliche of using song lyrics as your status. The problem here is with the comments underneath. This manic-depressive finally has a status that doesn't make people want to send her to a psych ward, and she ruins it by 1) saying she was going to make it a usual status anyway, 2) She tries to make the status depressing even though it doesn't have to be. Save the emo-crap for a blog ;-)

And last, but not least (in fact the is the most infuriating one)...

Why do you have to be so ignorant? To save time and my sanity, I will just make a list of annoying aspects of this post:

1) All caps. I hate it. Why are you yelling?
2) Incorrect spelling and grammar. "D" does not equal "th" and "ii" does not equal "y". Ignorance isn't cute.
3) Making a statement meant for one openly available for everybody. Send a letter, he's the one who needs to see/read this, not all the random strangers on FB

I'm done.


  1. kind of mean to post peoples private stuff.

  2. One could argue that the fact the "private" stuff is on Facebook makes it public. Either way, I've gone through and blurred out the names and pics. Thanks for the feedback! :-)
