Monday, February 22, 2010


We live in a world of patterns and repetition. Fortunately this is something I learned at an early age. I saw the the patterns in my family and in relationships enough where I could usually anticipate the next step someone was going to take per se. I've also come to realize that not everybody gets this.

After every romantic relationship ends, there's always some hope that a friendship may be maintained eventually. Of course this same thing happened with this last break up. We both realized how close we were and how much our friendship meant. We agreed to stay "close friends" after the break up. No more romantic stuff or physical affection, just friendship. Unfortunately, I've heard it all before, been in this same position before, and I already know what will happen. She doesn't. In fact, she's pretty optimistic about the whole thing. Here's how I see things working out:

We keep hanging out for a while, though unconsciously drifting apart.

Eventually, we'll go a couple of days or maybe a week without seeing each other, but we'll probably still talk on a regular basis.

After a while even the talking dies down to about once or twice a week, which is usually when the ex realizes the "close friendship" isn't going to happen

Yup, that's how I see things going. I'm not against being close friends with this girl, and I'm not going to do anything to make this a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I'm pretty sure this is how this situation will work out. I'm also not complaining. I've been through this too many times for it to let me down now.

I've also realize the one constant in each situation is me. I've seen some couples do the "close friends" after the relationship thing, and it works out fine. Never with me though, at least not for long. That's the price I pay in a relationship though. The girls I go into a relationship with are never meant to be just short term space fillers. I'm always thinking about the long game, so even after the break up, it's not exactly easy to let them go. Eventually I either start seeing them as just a friend, a spark is rekindled, or we just stop talking. If I start seeing them as friends, it's easier to let them go, which probably sounds horrible, but that's just the way it is.

We'll see how this one goes. Maybe we'll continue to be friends even after the "closeness" is inevitably gone. Yeah... we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. True point, J. Bryant. It's difficult to redefine yourself certainly. And ultimately the burden can feel like too much.

    Still at the same time, I look back at so many relationships and I think, 'if only Ic oudl have found a way..." I think a lot of it has to do with the depth of love and compassion you feel for the person. If they're someone you can see beyond just the girlfriend/boyfriend card, if they're someone that you feel such a significant connection to titled or untitled, then it's worth weathering out the waves.

    Just how I see it.
